An exciting discussion on the future of blockchain with our CEO – Hungarian content

Although many people still associate blockchain with cryptocurrencies, the technology is revolutionizing solutions related to data authentication on a much wider scale. Whether it is artificial intelligence, IoT devices, technological issues related to 5G or IT security, within a couple of years it is unthinkable that blockchain-based solutions will not Read more…

EBSI nodes are online

During our project supported by European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) we setup the dev and pilot nodes of EBSI (European Blockchain Service Infrastructure) in Hungary together with GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt.  The nodes are now operating as part of the European network and we look forward to go further with the Read more…

The consortium of BCC and GS1 has been granted to build the first non-government EBSI node in Hungary

Blockchain Competence Center Kft. and GS1 Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. (beneficiaries ofthe Grant) have submitted a common application to the “2020 CEF Telecom Call –Blockchain (CEF-TC-2020-1)” European Union call for the “Blockchain Country Nodedevelopment and Operation” based on the EBP/CEF/EBSI V02 specifications thatfacilitate the function of a gateway towards the EBSI Read more…