The consortium of BCC and GS1 has been granted to build the first non-government EBSI node in Hungary

Blockchain Competence Center Kft. and GS1 Hungary Nonprofit Ltd. (beneficiaries of
the Grant) have submitted a common application to the “2020 CEF Telecom Call –
Blockchain (CEF-TC-2020-1)” European Union call for the “Blockchain Country Node
development and Operation” based on the EBP/CEF/EBSI V02 specifications that
facilitate the function of a gateway towards the EBSI blockchain network infrastructure.
The objectives of this call were to enhance the cybersecurity, performance and privacy
features of existing European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI)3 nodes in the
Member States, to set up new EBSI nodes in the Member States to support the
deployment of selected use cases, and to support capacity building and training
activities targeting a broader uptake of the EBSI by public services.
Beneficiaries had been awarded and signed the Grant Agreement (2020-HU-IA-0022)
with HADEA under the CEF Telecom Programme.